RDS plugged in
It seems some of the micro-transmitters, to enable reception of your mp3 player on a car radio, now have RDS.
While stuck in motorway traffic this morning I was scanning around the FM dial, and heard music on 87.7 - at first very weakly.
After driving a few yards, the signal improved enough for the RDS to be visible: IPLUGRDS
The range of these devices is (obviously) not great and, as the traffic started moving again, I soon lost the signal entirely.
While stuck in motorway traffic this morning I was scanning around the FM dial, and heard music on 87.7 - at first very weakly.
After driving a few yards, the signal improved enough for the RDS to be visible: IPLUGRDS
The range of these devices is (obviously) not great and, as the traffic started moving again, I soon lost the signal entirely.
Labels: iPlug, micro-transmitter, RDS
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