Support the BBC Strikers
Good luck to the BBC workers who are going on strike tomorrow, against the threatened jobs massacre in the BBC.
I used to work for BBC Transmission (now privatised) from 1990 to 1995, when I myself fell victim to a jobs cull. Then it was in the twilight years of the Conservative government, under John Major; and I was far from the only BBC worker to be Buggered By Conservatives.
Under the Tories, jobs massacres were commonplace, so in 1997 I was glad to see the back of the Tories. In came New Labour, and I honestly thought things may become at least slightly better. However, in recent years, we have once again seen a threatened jobs massacre - in the Civil Service, and now in the BBC again. This time, you could call it a Blairite Broadcasting Cull ...
However, when it comes to choosing between which of the 2 major parties is preferable to have in government, I'm no longer willing to take sides. Buboes on Both their Cottages, in fact :-P
No doubt, I'll be hearing more about the strike and its effects over the next day or so. For a non-Establishment view of the dispute, however, I'll wait to read about it in this Wednesday's issue of Socialist Worker.
I used to work for BBC Transmission (now privatised) from 1990 to 1995, when I myself fell victim to a jobs cull. Then it was in the twilight years of the Conservative government, under John Major; and I was far from the only BBC worker to be Buggered By Conservatives.
Under the Tories, jobs massacres were commonplace, so in 1997 I was glad to see the back of the Tories. In came New Labour, and I honestly thought things may become at least slightly better. However, in recent years, we have once again seen a threatened jobs massacre - in the Civil Service, and now in the BBC again. This time, you could call it a Blairite Broadcasting Cull ...
However, when it comes to choosing between which of the 2 major parties is preferable to have in government, I'm no longer willing to take sides. Buboes on Both their Cottages, in fact :-P
No doubt, I'll be hearing more about the strike and its effects over the next day or so. For a non-Establishment view of the dispute, however, I'll wait to read about it in this Wednesday's issue of Socialist Worker.
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