Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Unidentified 87.9 heard near Leeds

Unidentified station heard this morning on the way to work. First heard on the M1 after junction 42, playing non-stop dance music. Intermittent weak signal, occasional announcements sounded like those of a black pirate, perhaps?

Soon after midday, signal was stronger in Kippax itself, especially on the high part near the shops. Non-stop dance music, mixed. A refreshing change from the waffle waffle drone drone of the mainstream FM stations.

Also heard after 4pm on the way home.

As it faded out, European stations were heard - not only on 87.9, but across the bottom part of the FM band. Tropospheric ducting had come my way.

As expected, bad weather was to follow in the wake of the skip. That night, Clowne experienced a thunderstorm. Plenty of lightning, but still skip was evident on the FM band between the crackles.


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