Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Radio Barnsley back again

Radio Barnsley is back, on 87.7 FM.


Can once again be heard all the way from Leeds to Clowne, although reception occasionally fades out on stretches of the A1. Also, near Leeds, Radio Barnsley is in competition with an Asian RSL on 87.7. And 87.9 is again un-used; bloody typical :-(

Radio Barnsley website

The website url seems to confirm a suspicion I have had for some time - that Radio Barnsley is descended from "YMCA Radio Barnsley", which used to run RSL's as long ago as the late 1990's.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wiki wiki wiki wiki

I have just created a "free radio wiki". Only a few stations and details included for now, but this will improve over the coming weeks and months.

Free Radio wiki

If you have any info on free radio stations you have heard, or even been involved with, please feel free to add more info and/or entries to this wiki.

NB Please don't include info which may annoy or embarrass others. If in doubt, ask them before including said details. As Billy Joel famously sang, "Listen, boy, it's good information from a man who made a mistake" :-$

Friday, October 13, 2006

Rother FM testing

Rother FM from Rotherham noted today on 96.1 , with test transmissions. Announced that full programmes are due to start on Sunday October 15th, at 10:00 (presumably 10 am).


Rother FM website

Promos aired for advertising on Rother FM, and pledges of support for the station from various local organisations, groups and individuals (including the Rotherham MP).

Signal audible at my house with a reasonable signal, but - due to Rother FM sharing a frequency with Nottingham ILR Trent FM - this is not the same across Clowne. In some parts of Clowne and large parts of the nearby village of Whitwell, Trent FM wins the battle for audibility on 96.1.

Going north, however, Rother FM is audible as far as Kippax with a reasonable signal - although, driving along the A1 from junctions 35 to 42, sometimes the signal seems to suffer interference and/or bleedover from adjacent stations.

In a weird way, however, I guess it is kinda appropriate that Rother FM gives a better signal near Leeds than near Clowne; technically, both Rotherham and Leeds are in Yorkshire ;-)

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Radio Ramadan Sheffield

Radio Ramadan from Sheffield audible on 87.7
Asian RSL to celebrate the Muslim festival of Ramadan.


Audible as far as Clowne, with a very weak signal

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