Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Burngreave Community Radio 103.1

New radio stations are like buses, you wait for ages then 2 come at once. So is the case in Sheffield, where Radio Hallam ruled the roost from the early 1970's, and (at least legally) it seemed that the boom in small-scale local radio was passing Sheffield by.

Things suddenly changed last summer, when Sheffield Live 93.2 started testing, followed by full broadcasts in the autumn. Now another community radio station has started, this time from northern Sheffield ...

Burngreave Community Radio, aka BCR, is now testing on 103.1

Full programmes are due to start on Saturday 31st May. Broadcasting hours will be 7am to midnight daily.

Signal easily reaches as far as Woodhall Service Station on the M1 southbound, and a very weak signal can be heard in Clowne (although there is splatter from adjacent stations). No RDS noted yet, and no website found.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On Emley Moor baht 'at

Visited Emley Moor today, for an IOSH Health & Safety course. (Now I'll at least know the safe way of installing antennas in dodgy places, LOL). This time, I stayed long enough to do a (almost) full bandscan:

87.7 Asian Air - Bradford - RSL - ASIANAIR
92.4 BBC Radio Leeds - BBC Local - BBC LEED
94.9 BBC Radio Lincolnshire - BBC Local - BBCLINCS
95.0 BBC Radio Tees - BBC Local
95.1 BBC Radio Manchester - Holme Moss - BBC Local - BBC MANC
95.3 BBC Radio Leeds - BBC Local
95.5 BBC Radio Lancashire - BBC Local - BBC LANC
95.9 BBC Radio Humberside -BBC Local - BBC HUMB
96.1 Rother FM - Rotherham - ILR
96.3 Radio Aire - Leeds - ILR - RAD AIRE
96.6 TFM Radio - Bilsdale - ILR - TFMRADIO
96.9 Viking FM - Hull - ILR - VIKING
97.2 Stray FM - Harrogate - ILR / community
97.5 Pulse FM - Bradford area - ILR
99.8 2BR - Burnley - ILR
100.0 Unidentified - very weak, splatter from Classic FM
100.7 Century Radio - North East - IRR
101.8 Branch FM - Dewsbury, West Yorkshire - ILR / community (Christian radio)
102.0 Dearne FM - Barnsley area - ILR
102.5 Pulse FM - Bradford area - ILR - PULSE1
102.7 BBC Radio Leeds - BBC Local
102.9 Hallam FM - South Yorkshire - ILR
103.2 Sunrise FM - Bradford ILR / community (Asian) - SUNRISE
103.4 Hallam FM - South Yorkshire - ILR - HALLAM
103.7 BBC Radio York - York - BBC Local - BBC YORK
104.1 BBC Radio Sheffield - Holme Moss - BBC Local - BBC SHEF
104.5 Peoples FM - Leeds - Pirate - PEOPLES
104.7 Minster FM - York - ILR - MINSTER
105.1 Galaxy - Emley Moor - IRR - GALAXY
105.4 Century Radio - North West - IRR
105.8 Galaxy - Yorkshire - IRR - GALAXY
106.2 Real Radio - Emley Moor - IRR - REAL
106.6 BCB - Bradford ILR / community - BCB 106-6
106.8 Ridings FM - Wakefield - ILR
107.1 Trax FM - Doncaster - ILR
107.6 Real Radio - Yorkshire - IRR - REAL
107.9 The New Pennine FM - Huddersfield - ILR - PENNINE

I didn't bother logging the 'nationals', as it sometimes gets difficult to tell which is a 'on-frequency' distant TX, and which is bleedover from a more local TX.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tropo continues

This evening, from 8pm onwards, Dutch radio was again heard at the lower end of the FM dial.

On 88.0, Dutch Radio 2 was heard, strong enough to read RDS = RADIO 2
On 91.8 was Dutch Radio 1 ("Radio En")
Unidentified Dutch stations also heard on 91.8 and 93.9

Earlier this evening, around 4:45, the following were heard overlooking Kippax near Leeds:

87.7 Asian Air - Bradford - RSL
87.9 Leeds 11 FM - Leeds - RSL
88.1 Radio Frequency - Leeds - pirate (welcome back after a long absence!)
93.2 Sheffield Live - Sheffield - community radio station
94.7 BBC Radio Sheffield - Chesterfield TX
95.3 BBC Radio Derby
95.6 Fresh FM - Leeds - pirate
104.5 Peoples FM - Leeds - pirate
107.4 Peak FM - Chesterfield ILR

Also, I notice the Huddersfield ILR on 107.9 - which started out in 1998 as Huddersfield FM before becoming Home FM - is now IDing as The New Pennine FM. (The original Pennine Radio, which started in Bradford back in the 1970's, changed its name to Pulse FM in the 90's).

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Slight lift from Holland

Slight tropo noticed this evening, a number of stations heard with variable-weak signals from 87.6 to 88.1 FM. None strong enough for RDS.

Only one was ID'd, namely Arrow Classic Rock on 87.7

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Asian Air Bradford RDS

Today, I was visiting Emley Moor for a RF Safety course.

En-route, I finally heard Bradford RSL Asian Air 87.7 with a strong enough to read their RDS:


While at Emley Moor, although I didn't log all the stations receivable - there were too many of them! - I did notice that BBC Radio Derby 95.5 was audible clearly, as was BBC Radio Cleveland on 95.0

Leeds RSL Leeds 11 FM 87.9 was audible clearly, as was Leeds pirate Peoples FM 104.5
No sign of Fresh FM 95.6 or Radio Frequency 88.1, however - raided?

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Asian Air 87.7

Bradford RSL Asian Air is on-air on 87.7

Audible weakly in the Garforth area, and on the A1 as far south as Doncaster

No RDS noted to date

Could this be the Asian Air from Bradford, which was on-air as a pirate in the late 1980's / early 1990's ?

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Leeds 11 back again

Leeds Eleven FM are doing another RSL, on 87.9 FM


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