Thursday, November 30, 2006

East Leeds FM RSL

East Leeds FM is currently broadcasting on 87.7 FM. Is an RSL, apparently only a week long according to their website (25th November to 1st December).

RDS = __ELFM__

Signal is quite strong at Kippax, and remains receivable on the A1 motorway some way south of the M62.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Micro TXs, CBs and Ofcom

Micro-transmitters used for allowing your mp3 player to be listened to on your car stereo, are set to be legalised. (Not all of them, just ones approved for use in the EU). The date for the law change is 8th December, 2006.

Also on that date, Citizens Band radios will no longer need a licence in the UK. This will bring CB into line with the PMR walkie-talkies which are also licence-exempt.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Vixen returns

Vixen 87 of Market Weighton is back again, with another RSL, on 87.9.


Vixen FM website

Heard down the A1 clearly. On parts of the M18 and the M1 near junction 32, however, another station on the same frequency (87.9) kept coming over Vixen briefly. Another RSL, from across the Pennines, perhaps?

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trop de Tropo

Plenty of DX today, caused by tropospheric ducting. Tropospheric ducting occurs when a high pressure area is slowly fading / moving away, to be replaced by low pressure. So I'm expecting lousy weather tomorrow :-(

Anyway, the first I knew of the tropo was at approx 7:30 am, on my way to work up the A1. While dial-hopping (something I do a lot, in my search for music in the desert of waffle which is breakfast time radio), I found some of the stations were talking in a foreign language.

In addition, on 106.4 was Kiss FM, RDS __KISS__. At first, I thought Galaxy North East had perhaps changed their name to Kiss, but on further listening I heard mentions of East Anglian places. In fact, Kiss FM seems to be the re-named Vibe FM. And was strong enough to blank out Galaxy North East even near Leeds!

Parked up at Kippax, near Leeds, the following were heard:

99.1 RADIO_2
99.3 CLASS_21 French language
103.0 Q-MUSIC playing oldies

On the way home, the following were noted at Woodall service station (near junction 31 of the M1), between 17:00 and 17:50:

87.9 Radio En, Dutch?
92.6 R2_NCRV
94.3 R4_TROS
95.7 RADIO_1 pronounced "Radio En"
96.8 3FM_BNN
97.6 City FM Classic Rock - no RDS, sounded Dutch
98.6 R_2_O__ VL "O" stands for "Ostland"
100.7 Q-MUSIC
101.9 Sky Radio "hundert en FM", Dutch?
102.7 Dynamic RDS, included "WIO_2_R5". Sounded Dutch. A jingle was more than once heard about "the muslin man" (or was it "muslim man?"), to the tune of the traditional song "the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane".
104.4 RADIO_V sounded Dutch
105.2 ___INFO___ France Info
107.1 Deutschland Funk politic, German

There were others heard, but with no RDS receivable or ID heard. Unidentified stations were on 95.2 , 104.6 and 104.8 , among others.