Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another Arrow from Holland

In addition to Arrow Classic Rock 87.7, this evening (approx 4pm) I heard Arrow Jazz FM on 90.5

Much weaker than Arrow Classic Rock, but still audible down the A1 motorway as far as the M18. Soon after joining the M18, the signal was sadly lost underneath BBC Radio 2 from Sutton Coldfield, on the same frequency.

Quite enjoyable to listen to, music included hits by groups like the Style Council.

Jingle was similar to that of Arrow Classic Rock, but in a more jazzy/mellow style.

In addition, Dutch Radio 2 on 88.0 and Dutch Radio 1 on 91.8 were still audible.

By 10pm, the tropo has, sadly, gone. Hope it comes back soon ...

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tropo brings N-ether-lands on FM

Perhaps this spell of chucking filly (spoonerism) weather may be drawing to a close. At least, the high pressure appears to be slowly moving away.

As a result, today has brought a spell of short-range but relatively consistent tropospheric ducting, meaning a number of Dutch FM stations are now audible - both in Garforth and Clowne, and on the journey to and from said locations.

This morning, I first noted Arrow Classic Rock (Holland) on 87.7 FM. A welcome return (albeit probably short lived) to my radio of a ststion I used to listen to sometimes on 675kHz, when it used to broadcast on MW.

Arrow Classic Rock was still there this evening, now occasionally strong enough to read the RDS, which scrolls as follows:


According to FMLIST, this was from the Lelystad/PTT Toren transmitter (chuffa chuffa whoo whoo, lol)

A number of other Dutch stations were heard this evening, as follows:

88.0 Radio 2 (announced as Radio Tre), RDS = RADIO 2
91.8 Radio 1, RDS = RADIO 1
92.6 FFN (announced thereas)
96.8 3-FM (or was it V-FM?)
100.7 Q-Music

There were other Dutch stations heard, very weakly, but reception of these was very difficult due to fading and/or their proximity of UK-based stations in frequency.

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Monday, December 17, 2007


Leeds based Asian RSL KBFM 87.7 was today received with a strong enough signal to read the RDS.

RDS = 249-7899

Station phone number, perhaps?

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

KBFM back again

Leeds-based Asian RSL KBFM started an RSL today on 87.9.

Weak but listenable signal from Garforth to Darrington (going south on the A1).
No RDS noted.

The Vixen FM RSL on that 87.9 has now finished, so at least KBFM has a clear frequency :-)

Another Asian station was also noted in Garforth on 87.7, very weak, thought to be Hajj FM from Bradford.

Also noted today: Fresh FM 95.6 (Leeds)

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