Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bounce back and feel the Vibez

Huddersfield pirate Vibez FM 90.6 heard tonight on the M1, near Barnsley (junction 37).


Signal faded out soon afterwards, but was still audible as far as junction 36.

In Sheffield, Bounce FM 88.0 was heard for the first time in ages. Although no RDS, a strong signal was still audible almost as far as Clowne.

In Leeds, the usual pirates - namely Peoples FM 104.5, Fresh FM 95.6, and Radio Frequency 88.1, were all heard on the way home just after 4pm.

In addition, an Asian RSL was heard on 87.9. Adverts mentioned Bradford, so station is probably Apni Awaaz FM.

BTW yes, I've just found out how to use colour on Blogger :-)

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